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Corporate Innovation Fusion 2023

Execution vs. Exploration Culture | CIF23

Innovation is not just about having new ideas, it's about creating a culture that supports them.

By talking about the importance of culture in driving innovation Charles O’Reilly Professor for Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business emphasized the need for organizations to balance 'execution' and 'exploration' cultures:

  • Execution cultures are about compliance, incremental improvement, and efficiency
  • Exploration cultures are about risk-taking, innovation, and rapid experimentation.

One of the key takeaways was the concept of 'ambidexterity' in organizations - the ability to successfully manage both, execution and exploration cultures simultaneously. This requires clear strategy, alignment, and the right people. One fascinating case study was Microsoft's cultural transformation, shifting from a 'know-it-all' to a 'learn-it-all' culture and fostering a growth mindset throughout the organization.

This presentation at Corporate Innovation Fusion 2023 was a powerful reminder that culture is not just a set of values, but a pattern of behavior that can be managed and changed. It's about creating an environment where innovation can thrive.

Watch the complete recording of Charles' presentation.

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